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Congratulations Judy and Damien Carter: CFW’s CrossFit COUPLE of the month!

Damien and I are extremely humbled and pretty shocked to be chosen as the first ever Crossfit Couple of the month. Honestly, we would not want it any other way because without the support we received from each other neither one of us would have achieved the success we have so far this year. My journey with Crossfit started in 2011 at NHCF. Before the box opened my class was invited to do a trial of Fight Gone Bad, as soon as the WOD ended I ran to my car and immediately wrote Warren and Kurt a check, I was happy to be their first paid customer. I began to get discouraged by an injury and decided to take a break from Crossfit when I ran into Jen Boilard who encouraged me to do a free class at CFW assuring me that Ron and Rob were great coaches and sensitive to injuries and limitations. I was so happy to walk in and feel as happy and included as I did at NHCF.

Although I loved going to each and every one of the WODS, I felt incomplete because my best friend was not with me suffering (enjoying) through the workouts. I would ask, beg, whine and plead that he try a class, but he pretty much told me to stop asking because it would never happen. So he was just stuck having to hear about my journey and about all the great things going on with Crossfit. As a former Football player, I knew he would love the competition but he repeatedly assured me it would never, ever happen. I pretty much gave up, but for some reason in November of 2013, we made a frivolous bet and if he lost he had to commit to Crossfit for three months. Of course Damien told me that after three months he was definitely quitting and I should not ask him to return. I still laugh to myself when I reflect on the first few conversations Damien had with Rob; he assured Rob that his credit card should only be charged for three months because he was done after that (insert giggle here). Needless to say Damien was truly a natural, completely fell in love with Crossfit and found a passion for the sport. Physically we made a commitment to eat healthy and include additional cardio workouts, little did we know just how drastic the changes would be, I went from wearing a size 16 to a 6 and Damien went from a 44 pants to a 36. We are truly just as amazed as everyone who has noticed the changes.

Even though I have been struggling with a painful wrist injury and Damien with knee limitations, every day that we show up to the box is a success, no matter how much our bodies allow us to do we see improvement. We are so thankful to each and every member of the Box. We have truly become like extended family to each other. Coach Ron, Rob, Mike, Brian, Sabrina and Greg are among the most professional in the business, we are also so thankful for the coaches who prepared our daughter Desiree for boot camp.

This past Saturday, all I wanted to do was stay in my bed and sleep, Damien would just not allow me to stay home insisting I would feel so much better once the WOD was over. Not only did I receive the amazing and humbling news that we were chosen, but I sat in awe watching my husband during the team WOD do Pull-ups, Double-unders, thrusters and hang cleans with ease. I just could not believe my eyes when I counted eight, nine, ten double unders…..Wow! What a difference seven months of consistent dedication can made in our lives. We are again truly humbled by being recognized and know that we are just two of so many in our box that are completely dedicated and committed to staying healthy and share this passion with their spouse at CFW, there is truly no better place to do it than CrossFit Wallingford.