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CONGRATULATIONS DEB STRICKLAND! Our November CrossFItter of the Month!

CrossFitter of the Month for November
**Deb Strickland**

I want to thank you so much for nominating me for CrossFitter of the Month! I never thought this was a possibility because I don’t necessarily lift heavy weights and some movements, like overhead squat, were physically impossible for me to do for a really long time. A car accident when I was 16 left me with back injuries and pins in my arms which I thought limited my mobility.
But in typical CrossFit Wallingford style, no one judged and everyone was always supportive. Whether I was doing PVC to start or the baby bar with 2 1/2s, no judgement I just did what I could and ” kept on moving”!!
I would have to give credit to our wonderful coaches who stuck with me on my longest ever scale of OHS! Every time I would do them I would hear them in my head…Rob saying arms straight, sit back; Ron’s voice push your knees out and breathe; and Matt S with go deep in the squat….. Every attempt I tried to remember each piece of coaching that they gave me, along with many months of massage therapy to loosen my shoulders, I finally started to progress and can now do an OHS 35lb! It’s a start and an accomplishment that I couldn’t dream of doing two years ago.
This box is incredibly supportive and friendly. Everyone is like family from the new members to the seasoned members which is why, even after three years it feels more like home then ever. I have gained health, happiness, and friends I wouldn’t give up for the world.
Thank you for letting me be a part of this wonderful community!

Congrats Deb this is well deserved!! You have worked so hard to get better (especially with OH squats) and have never settled! We love that you are a part of CFW family!!! Keep up the great work!
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