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**CONGRATULATIONS ELISA HEADFORD! Our May CrossFitter of the Month!**

About Elisa:

From my earliest memory until he passed away, my father had always been a Navy Seabee, and he loved absolutely everything about the military. He did some scary things, he used to tell us about the places he went and the things he saw and it sounded terrifying. Although he had three girls, I followed in his foot steps and joined the military, the Army, but none the less, a branch of the military. Can you imagine…a girl that loves magic and unicorns and believes that fairy tales do come true, once was in the Army????

I thought I was so cool and bad ass, when I finally left for basic training, I cried and cried. As soon as we got off the bus they made us just drop and do push-ups, I don’t think burpees were invented yet back then, and THANK GOD FOR THAT!!!!!!! You would have thought someone was sending me off to the gas chamber, which oddly enough I did have to go into. I had to dig fox holes, and sleep in them, with bugs and spiders crawling all over the place, mostly on me, I sat in a red ant hill and was bitten so bad that I had to go to the infirmary. I truly thought that this was it, I wasn’t making it out of there. I thought that my drill sergeants were the most evil people on the face of the planet, I thought about packing a bag and leaving every night! On the last day of my advanced training, when we stood in formation for PT, the drill sergeants called out dead man profile (the people who were too injured to exercise). My friend leaned over and said, “let’s go”, before I knew what was happening, she dragged me up to the furnace room where we slept for the next two hours while everyone else was out running and doing sit-ups and push-ups in the rain and mud. I was sure that someone would find us and we would be sent off to military jail.

Twenty five years later, I still can’t believe I survived that but three years ago when a friend told me about CrossFit, my exact words were, “that’s insane, it sounds exactly like the military.” But I knew that if I survived the Army, I could do anything. During my on ramp, the coach had me do “mini WODS,” no more than 5-6 minutes, and I thought I was going to have a massive heart attack each and every time, nothing has changed, but I keep going back, because I love it. It probably is one of the best things I have ever done for myself.

I don’t think I deserve to be CrossFitter of the month any more than anyone else at CFW. I think we are all amazing, no matter how much weight we use, how many reps or what our time was. We all go and we finish the WOD and to me, that is what makes us all awesome. I love being able to go to different classes and meet new people. And I especially love the kids class, it makes me giggle when I hear Coach Elaine trying to reign in all of the kids because they might be extra goofy that day. I am also so thankful for the friendships I have made during my time at CFW!

Lastly, I just was to say I am grateful to Lisa Murray for bringing Chris Murray, my rowing nemesis, to CFW, they both made the rowing challenge so fun! I really lucked out with him living in East Haven! : )

**Congrats to Elisa, who without a doubt deserved CrossFitter of the month. Elisa is not only a great athlete, but an even better person. Elisa is always thinking of others and is always making cupcakes marking birthdays. Congrats and keep doing what you’re doing!**