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Congratulations Stacy Crowell: April CrossFitter of the Month

  • Congratulations STACY CROWELL, our April CrossFitter of the Month!
  • About Stacy:
  • I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and everyone we meet has a purpose in our lives. My journey toCrossfit Wallingford, and my experience since joining, is no exception. That’s why, to me, the recognition this month belongs to the coaches and CFW community, and not me…
  • My struggle with health started when I was a pre-teen, when anxiety, depression and overeating began. I was never an athlete, and I was always a big girl. The only time in my life that I felt like I was a “normal” size was very briefly in my early 20s,about a year after I had my first son. By the time I had my second son, I was morbidly obese. In 2010, with the support of an amazing personal trainer, I lost about 100 pounds…and found a love for fitness. The following year, my trainer fell ill with cancer, and I almost gave up training.
  • Serendipitously, a new trainer joined the gym and my previous trainer encouraged me to work with him. Within a few weeks, he had me doing all of these crazy things at the gym; jumping on boxes, climbing up walls and doing “WODs”. I had never really heard of this thing called CrossFit. I learned a lot the following few months, but started slipping into a depression and stopped training. For months, Andrea Ryerson had been telling me about Ron and Rob and how much she loved it at CFW. With my depression and social anxiety, I resisted joining for a long time, until my springtime schedule changed and I could no longer go to my usual gym.
  • On May 1st of last year, I walked through the doors at CFW and told Ron that I would be there for only one month and that I would not be doing several things (push-ups, pull-ups, etc). Ron encouraged me to attempt things I never thought I would. By the end of May, I still wasn’t sure I fit at CFW, but a few peoplemade me realize that everyone belongs here. Since then I have learned so many things from the CFW family, but not just movements, lifts and techniques. You are all showing me the person I want to be. I’ve never been surrounded by such a supportive, caring, strong, talented group of people. I’ve taken something from my interaction with just about everyone at CFW, and I am constantly reminded just how important the people we spend time with are to shaping who we are. My social anxiety and depression are diminishing and my strength and confidence are on the rise. Thanks to all of YOU, during the past year I have grown more as a person than during any other period of my life. And I truly like who I am becoming.
  • **Congrats again to Stacy, who is not only one of the strongest females we have but one of the nicest.  Stacy is always giving her best, but more importantly she helps and encourages everyone else.  We are so proud to have Stacy as a part of CFW and this is well deserved.**