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CrossFitter of the Month: Andrea Ryerson

About Andrea:

I’m flattered and honored to be February’s CrossFitter of the month. My journey began just shy of 3 years ago and two boxes prior. I can now finally say I found my “home”. CrossFit Wallingford is not only a gym, another box or a place to just work out; CFW is the whole package.

Every person has their own background and story. Every story is different and each of us look to becoming healthy and fit for different reasons and I chose CrossFit. I had looked it up online years ago and thought “I could never do that”. Then about six months later I saw my cousin post on Facebook that he had hit his 1 year anniversary at CF. I thought, “if he can do it, so can I”. I got right back online that day and researched it again. I walked into the door April of 2011 for my first On Ramp Class and fell in love with it and never looked back. Before starting I was very overweight, unhealthy and depressed. I am still working towards my goals, but I am much closer today than I was that day I walked through the door for the first time. I am healthier, happier and a stronger person mentally and physically. Somewhere in my early adulthood I lost myself, I lost who I was. Crossfit brought me back to who I am, I have my inner confidence back. I finally love ME again.

My story wouldn’t be a story without Rob and Ron. When word got out that Rob and Ron were opening their own CF box, I couldn’t wait to jump onboard with them. I was counting down the days to their opening day probably as much as they were. Rob & Ron were my coaches at a previous location and without them, I wouldn’t be here today. There are so many different types of coaching techniques. There are coaches out there who know the right form, or the right programming or when or how to push you. Somehow these two perfected it. They know each individual person and know exactly what each individual needs during a workout. They genuinely love what they do and it shows.

CFW is something that I can’t see my life without. Yes, I can always find a CrossFit box to get a workout in, but CFW is more than that. There is an unbelievable amount of member appreciation and camaraderie. The other members that I get the chance to spend an hour a day with help make the box what it is today. I have never experienced such a community of people with so many different backgrounds, abilities and personalities get along so well. I am proud to call each member a friend of mine.

Thank you Rob & Ron for opening such an amazing place. Thank you for your support in all aspects of my life. Congratulations on your first year and can’t wait for many more to come.


Congrats to Andrea on a great year at knocking down her goals. Andrea has come so far and has improved leaps and bounds in just the last few months. Andrea conquered the box jump and recently got her double unders. We have known Andrea for about 3 years and are so proud of how far she has come… She is a fighter and this is well deserved.