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Meet Dorene, CFW’s CrossFitter of the Month

I am a 49 year old stay at home mom that has always worked out by myself in the comfort of my home, never venturing out to the gym, I was comfortable with it and was rapidly becoming bored with it. On vacation in the summer of 2011 I met a woman who was in her 50’s who had the most amazing physique and I stopped her to ask her what she was doing to get such tremendous results and she told me about Crossfit. After several months of checking things out I took the plunge, joined and fell entirely in love with not only the workouts but the people and the coaches that were involved in this epidemic. Being such a foreigner to the sport I was extremely insecure and did myself an injustice by not asking enough questions resulting in an injury that took me out of commission for over 6 months. I was devastated, depressed, gaining weight and a bad attitude.

Seeing that Crossfit Wallingford sign put up no more than a mile from my home and seeing both Rob and Ron as the coaches and owners was just what I needed to get back in to this madness. I love it, and I love them. It’s a great box. The positive energy is like nothing I have ever experienced.. My goals like almost everyone else here are pretty simple: I’d like to get unassisted pull-ups, consecutive DUs but more importantly I want to be a part of this AWESOMENESS they call Crossfit for a lifetime.

Congratulations to Dorene, who is not only a great crossfit athlete, but a great person. Dorene not only puts 100% into her workouts, but that same energy goes into being a positive influence with people around her. She is always encouraging and a great addition to our box….