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Mike Randi, CFW's CrossFitter of the Month

Meet Mike Randi, CFW’s CrossFitter of the Month

My name is Mike Randi, I am 29 and work as Judicial Marshal for the State of Connecticut. I have been crossfitting for just over a year now. I played hockey my whole life, even into college, and nothing can compare to a CrossFit workout.

My wife Erin had a crazy idea for us to get in the best shape of our lives by joining CrossFit. At first I was against this Idea say it was “crazy” and “way too much”. A few weeks later we were both in out On-Ramp classes and man was I feeling the pain, but, I was happy to be pushing myself hard. Once out of the on ramp I met Rob and Ron in the regular classes. They always pushed me to work harder, lift more, and most importantly, KEEP GOING! After a year of CrossFit I still love doing the WOD’s and the Crossfit Community. The camaraderie during a workout is very inspiring. You’re all there together, some times suffering, but in it together! The friends I have made will last long after the WOD is done. I would like to thank my wife Erin for getting me into this lifestyle, Coach Rob and Ron for always keeping me motivated (aka yelling) during the workouts and of course to my 6:30pm crew!!

Congratulations to Mike, who is not only a good athlete but a quality person. Mike is a great addition to CFW and always has a positive attitude. Keep getting better Mike!